• The above map highlights the most disproportionately popular job in US metro areas.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculated how employment rates for various occupations differ across the country.
  • Farmworker was the most disproportionately popular job in multiple metro areas in California.

Geoscientist is the most disproportionately popular job in Denver, Colorado.

That's according to May 2021 location quotients, part of occupation estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which Insider used to find out the most disproportionately popular jobs in 383 US metro areas.

Insider previously looked at the most disproportionately popular job for each state and DC as well as for the largest metro areas in the country. For these analyses, we only looked at occupations that had at least 1,000 employees for a particular state or metro area. Then we looked at what job has the highest location quotient in a particular state or metro area.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a "location quotient is the ratio of the area concentration of occupational employment to the national average concentration." That is, location quotients measure how much more common a job is in a metro area than it is in the country overall. 

You can hover over the metro areas in the above map to see what the most disproportionately popular job is for the various metro areas based on our methodology. A few metro areas didn't have detailed occupations with at least 1,000 employees so they were not included in this analysis. 

You can see in the map what the location quotient is for the most disproportionately popular job in a particular metro area and the median annual wage where available.

According to our analysis of location quotients, farmworkers and laborers was the most disproportionately popular kind of job in multiple metro areas in California, including Bakersfield, Modesto, and San Luis Obispo.

"Miscellaneous assemblers and fabricators" showed up as the job with the highest location quotient in 22 metro areas when only looking at jobs with at least 1,000 employees. This includes Wausau, Wisconsin, and Jackson, Tennessee.

Different kinds of healthcare jobs were the most overrepresented job in several metro areas. For instance, "home health and personal care aides" was the most overrepresented job in over a dozen metro areas when only looking at occupations with at least 1,000 employees. This includes Grants Pass, Oregon, and Beckley, West Virginia.

Food service and food-related jobs were also most disproportionately popular in metro areas like Bay City, Michigan, and Billings, Montana, in our analysis.

Read the original article on Business Insider